A lot of work we do as copywriters gets lost to the internet over time, so I’ve added samples here to make them easier to read. Feel free to explore!

Blogs, resources, etc. 🖥

B2C Customer success story | Growth Tribe

Informative Blog | Dutch | Meltwater

Informative Guide | OKRs & KPIs | Growth Tribe

B2B Customer Success Story | Growth Tribe

CSR Content | Sustainability | Teym

Executive Thought Leadership | Meltwater (Dutch)

Emails 📩

Nurturing email | Resource Bundle | Growth Tribe

E-commerce product launch | Teym

E-commerce Welcome Message | Teym

Survey request | Referral Program | Growth Tribe

Referral/Loyalty Email | Growth Tribe

B2C Nurture Flow | Growth Tribe

Email Series | Seasonal | Growth Tribe

Landing pages/Other/Misc. 🗂

Landing Page Copy | B2C Product Page | Growth Tribe